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Racegoers dress to impress in social highlight at Warwick Racecourse

Press Release 15th May 2019 Warwick

Racegoers flocked to Warwick Racecourse in show stopping outfits and hats in a bid to be named Fashions-On-The-Field winners.

Ladies Night marked the second fixture in the Qatar Airways May Racing Carnival at Warwick with around 4,000 people in attendance for the racecourse’s most glamorous meeting of the season.

The Fashions-On-The-Field competition was hosted by TV presenter Karl Ude-Martinez, with prizes awarded including Best Dressed Grand Champion, Best Hat and Best Couple.

Ruth Harknett, from Kenilworth, was crowned Best Dressed Grand Champion at the event, with last year’s Best Hat winner Gill Carpenter in second-place and Vanessa Lewis placed third.

Ruth, whose outfit won her flights to Doha, said: “I was surprised to win. You make the effort and hope for the best, but I’m absolutely delighted to have won.

“I love the racing and preparing your outfit is all part of the experience. I wore turquoise this year, it’s a lovely and vibrant colour for this time of year.

“My dress was Italian and my silk scarf was made by a friend, Clare Haggas and I love her scarves.

“It will be my first time in Doha, I’m really looking forward to it.”

The winner of this year’s ‘Best Hat’ category was Jayne Alison, improving on her second-place finish in last season’ contest and bringing home prizes including a glamping trip to Warwick Castle.

Jayne said: “It was lovely to win and the prizes were great as well.

“We always come to Ladies Night for my husband’s birthday and myself and a few friends decided to enter the competition again on the day.

“I’m a milliner and I always advise clients to step outside of their comfort zone, with bright and dramatic colours.

“I’ve been runner-up a couple of years so I was delighted to win this year.”

The title of ‘Best Couple’ went to Vicky Gordon and Kieron Carol – the inaugural winners of the newly introduced award.

The prizes on offer across the day included two return tickets to Doha, courtesy of Qatar Airways, a BMW Z4 for a weekend and spa packages at the Ardencote Manor Hotel.

There was also glamping for four at Warwick Castle, a £50 meal voucher for The Bell at Alderminster, Coates and Seely sparkling wine and a bespoke, handcrafted silk dress provided by Warp & Woof.

Andre Klein, General Manager at Warwick Racecourse, said: “It was a wonderful competition again this year and there were some fantastic, glamorous outfits on show across the evening.  

“We would like to thank Karl for joining us as our brilliant host again and congratulate all the winners.

“Next up at our track is Proudly Warwick on 22 May, as the Qatar Airways May Racing Carnival continues.”

To find out more about Warwick Racecourse and the Qatar Airways May Racing Carnival go to


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