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Iconic British high-street retailer River Island is back as an Official Style Partner of Ladies’ Day at the Randox Grand National Festival 2025.
Ladies Day at Aintree isn’t like any other race day. This one is for the ‘here to be seen’ers’ and the ‘go glamorous or go home’ers’.
The limelight shines not just on the champion horses and jockeys but Liverpool’s best dressed.
A day marked in the calendar months in advance, Ladies Day is watched the world over, renowned for its famous race day fashion.
The two best dressed racegoers will each receive:
- £3,000 River Island voucher
- 2 x Garden Club tickets to Ladies Day at the Randox Grand National Festival 2026
- A Randox Health full body Everyman or Everywoman package
- Plus additional River Island gifts worth £1,000
For the first time, the most sustainably dressed racegoer will receive:
- £1,000 River Island voucher
- 2 x Garden Club tickets to Ladies Day at the Randox Grand National Festival 2026
- Hospitality for two at an Aintree Racecourse fixture of choice in 2025
-Plus additional River Island gifts worth £1,000