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Owners & Trainers Information

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Aintree and hope you will find this information useful prior to and during the Randox Grand National Festival.

Owners & Trainers Facilities


The PASS System will be in operation.


All Owners and Trainers will require a valid PASS card or access to the PASS system to gain badges. All Owners and Trainers will
need to register their badges through the PASS system.

• All Irish Owners will need to pre-book, badges through Carly Sage, who will confirm details with Horse Racing Ireland.

• There will be one car park for Owners, Trainers and Jockeys, located at The Railway Club on Melling Road.

• There will be one Badge Collection Point for Owners, Trainers and Jockeys arriving by car or taxi. Owners arriving by train will be able to collect badges from the VIP Collection Point at Grand National Avenue (opposite Aintree Railway Station).

• Everyone will be subject to security scanning.

Car Parking & Travel Directions

Sat Nav Postcode L9 0LD. What three words -  noises.learn.violin


There is one car park for Owners, Trainers and Jockeys at The Railway Club on Melling Road. There is a short walk to the Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception, which is on the inside of the Racecourse. Melling Road is ONLY accessible by one route off the M57, Junction 6. Please follow the signs.


Two car park labels will be sent out by Weatherbys to all Owners and Trainers with an entry, at the five/six day stage.


Two car park labels will be sent to Owners and Trainers after Tuesday 25th March, who have a horse entered in the Randox Grand National.


For Trainers who do not have a runner but would like a car park label, please contact Carly Sage on 0151 522 2959 or email at by Friday 21st March.


Please ensure that you have a valid car park label or you will not be able to access the Owners’ and Trainers’ car park.         


Please note, the Owners and Trainers entrance will close at 3pm each race day.

There is a luggage drop off point at the Railway Club, which is located next to the Owners’ and Trainers’ car park. This is the only location available to leave luggage. Luggage will not be permitted onto the racecourse grounds.

If you plan to travel by taxi, a car park label will still be required so that you can access the Owners and Trainers’ drop-off point. Without the correct label, you will not be given access.


Recommended Taxi Company’s
SRC Taxi - 0151 928 3535
Delta Taxi - 0151 922 7373


Please ensure you are dropped off at the Owners and Trainers’ reception pre racing, postcode L9 0LD (Seeds Lane entrance)


After racing pick up points are Grand National Avenue (L9 5AS) or the Owners and Trainers’ car park (L9 0LD)

Entry for horseboxes is via the Seeds Lane entrance off Melling Road, and is signposted off Junction 6 of the M57.


Please follow the signs. Horseboxes will park in their normal lorry park, which is close to the stabling area. It is important that the driver knows the identity of the horse(s) they are transporting.



There are a limited number of car park spaces available for disabled visitors in the Owners and Trainers’ Car Park. These spaces will be available for blue badge holders, please ensure this is clearly on display in your windscreen and our parking attendants will direct you.

For those arriving by train at Aintree Station, there is a new Owners’ and Trainers’ ticket collection point at the VIP entrance, by the main entrance to the Racecourse. If you are coming via train and using this entrance, please ensure that you notify Carly Sage to ensure your tickets and badges are at this entrance.


Please note, there are no longer shuttle cars available to escort you from the train station to the main Owners’ and Trainers’ entrance on Melling Road.

Aintree Racecourse welcomes private and chartered helicopter landings at the Air Charter Service Helipad.


The Helicopter landing area is situated in an area adjacent to Steeplechase car park. Prior notice is required for landings and insurance indemnities completed. Aircraft owners must book in with Air Charter Service (Tel: +44 (0)208339 8588 or email: and receive a brief prior to landing permission being issued.

Prior notice is required in advance for landing facilities and insurance indemnity. Please contact the above number. Particular attention is to be paid to the rules of the air which govern the overflying of built up areas. No landings will be permitted 30 minutes before the first race and no take-offs will be permitted until 30 minutes after the last race.


If you are arriving by helicopter, please notify Carly Sage in advance, so that your badges are available upon landing.

Owners Badges

The PASS System will be in operation with the main badge collection point at the Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception just off Melling Road within the Racecourse, as well as a new collection point at the VIP entrance if you are arriving by train.


All badge requests must be submitted through the PASS system and the deadline is 4pm the day before you are attending. The PASS booking system will open at 1pm, 48 hours before the raceday once declarations have been confirmed.


 If you do not have access to the PASS system, please contact the PASS Helpdesk on to update your details.

No badges will be sent or issued in advance and will only be available for collection from Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception on the day of running.

Photo identification will be required to collect badges.

On arrival you will be issued with a number of different access passes, as follows:

Tickets – Scanned tickets give access to the racecourse.


Normal Owners Badges and Wristbands – Give access to the Goffs Owners and Trainers Pavilion and to the Parade Ring for the race in which your horse runs.


Special Colour Badges and Wristbands – Give access to the Goffs Owners and Trainers Pavilion and to the Parade Ring for the Grand National Course races (Foxhunter, Topham and Grand National).


Meal Vouchers – for a complimentary buffet style meal in O’Sullevan’s.

Single Ownership - Six badges, six wristbands & six meal vouchers for O’Sullevan’s.


Partnerships & Syndicates – Eight badges, eight wristbands & eight meal vouchers for O’Sullevan’s.


The Randox Grand National, Topham and Foxhunters’ Steeple Chase (single, partnership and syndicates) - Eight special colour badges, eight wristbands & eight meal vouchers for O’Sullevan’s.


The Owners and Trainers badge will also enable you to walk the course prior to the start of the day’s racing.


The badge, and associated wristband (which must be worn) will admit to the Paddock and the Goffs (O&T) Pavilion (please note that for 2024 both badges and wristlets will be checked).


The Owners’ and Trainers’ badges for The Randox Foxhunters’ Chase (Thursday), Randox Topham Chase (Friday) and Randox Grand National Chase (Saturday) will be a commemorative colour badge. Please note that for the above races no other Owners’ and Trainers’ badge will permit access to the Parade Ring and the Winner’s Enclosure, following the race.


IMPORTANT – Due to restrictions on space, badges will only be issued to Owners with declared runners. If your horse is not declared to run, your tickets and badges will be void.


In an effort to cater for larger syndicates and Racing Clubs, a restricted number of Festival Zone tickets will be available for sale on a strictly first come first served basis.






Zone prices*














*Additional owners badges can be purchased (subject to availability) to take your allocation to a maximum of 10 badges.

O’Sullevan’s meal vouchers can be purchased for £35.


An Owners’ and Trainers’ badge, and wristlet will be required to gain admission to the Owners’ and Trainers’ Pavilion.


Please ensure that you have arranged your badge allocation with Carly Sage on 0151 522 2959 before arrival or register through the PASS system once your horse is declared to run.

The Goffs Owners’ and Trainers’ Pavilion overlooks the Parade Ring and includes an exclusive bar and restaurant facility.


Owners and Trainers badges & wristbands will allow access to all ground floor bars and terraces in all grandstands.

O’Sullevan’s suite is located on the ground floor of The Goffs Pavilion, overlooking the parade ring.


All Owners and Trainers with runners will be issued with a complimentary meal voucher for O’Sullevan’s buffet.*


Tables and seating will be available in this suite whilst you eat, but we kindly ask people to move to the bar area once you have finished eating, to allow us to accommodate other owners and trainers. Free tea and coffee will also be available in this area.


*within their badge allocation (Owners 6 or 8 meal vouchers per
runner, Trainers 2 meal vouchers).


All day table reservations
If you would like to reserve a table all day, a limited number of tables will be available on the first floor of O’Sullevan’s. These need to be pre-booked and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

£100 per person, per day**
**Based on tables of 8 or 10.


Please email: or phone 0151 522 2926 to book a table all day.




Horse and Groom Package


• Premier Course Admission
• 3 course à la carte pub lunch
• Afternoon savoury snacks
• All Inclusive Bar – Including House Beer, Wine, Spirits & Softs
• Complimentary racecard
• Private tote betting
• Complimentary car parking*


Thursday - £295pp Inc VAT
Friday - £295pp Inc VAT
Saturday - £335pp Inc VAT


Tiger Roll Package

• Premier Course Admission
• 4 Course Set Menu
• All Inclusive Bar – Including
• House Beer, Wine, Spirits & Softs
• Traditional Cream Tea
• Complimentary Racecard
• Private tote betting
• Complimentary Car Parking**

Saturday - £335pp Inc VAT


Please email or call +44 (0) 1942 402624 to book a space in Horse & Groom or Tiger Roll


Two Trainers’ badges will be issued to Trainers upon production of a current PASS card. Please note: badges will only be issued to the person named on the PASS card. Please do not be offended if we request to see identification.


We appreciate how frustrating it can be for Trainers to be stopped by security stewards and asked to show their badges, especially when trying to access the Parade Ring. We very much hope you will understand that security arrangements mean that this procedure will be politely, but firmly enforced throughout the Festival. Please ensure that you display your badge clearly.

As with British trainers, no admission badges will be sent out in advance of The Festival. On production of a current Irish Trainers’ licence, each Irish Trainer with a runner will be issued with two badges for that day. Badges may only be collected from the Owners’ and Trainers’ Reception.

Up to two Owners’ and Trainers’ Badges can be provided to Irish Trainers with a full HRI training licence, without runners. If you would like to book tickets, please contact Carly Sage by Monday 31st March. Any requests after this date will be declined.


Please note, HRI full training licences must be shown to collect these tickets and they will only be issued to the Trainer named on the card. Please do not be offended if we ask to see identification.


ANY QUERIES? If you have any queries regarding badges, please call the Owners’ Information Line which will be open at the following times:


Owners’ Information Line: 0151 522 2959


Monday 3rd April: 9am - 12 noon
Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th April: 10am - 5.30pm
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th April: 8am - 3pm
Saturday 8th April: 7.30am to 3pm


Full stable security, with BHA stable access control and CCTV, will operate from noon on Wednesday 2nd April. Applications for stables and accommodation, stating the day and time of arrival and departure, should be sent via email to or via phone 07973 519747.


Trainers with runners on the second and third days are advised that it may not be possible to provide boxes for horses before 6pm on the evening prior to the second and/or third day.

Owners with horses running in The Randox Foxhunters’ Steeple Chase on the Thursday, who do not have a permit to train, must ensure that their staff bring photographic identification with them.

The fibre-sand exercise gallop will be available daily from 8am to 10am ONLY.

Trainers must state the names of ALL their stable staff when booking accommodation for the Festival. Accommodation is limited and must be booked in advance. Accommodation will be available as follows:


One Horse: One Lad/Lass.


Two or more horses: One Lad/Lass per horse, plus one Head Lad/Lass.

Paul Murphy of Horse Shuttle will be on hand at Aintree during the 3 days to assist with Export Paperwork requirements.


Paul can be contacted on:

+44 7720 404 646


Members of the Aintree Veterinary Team will be available to complete Health Checks prior to departure but please ensure all paperwork is lodged with Paul in advance.


Aintree Racecourse will not be liable for any costs incurred resulting from the Import or Export of horses to and from the UK for the purposes of attending the Randox Grand National Festival.


Export papers must be submitted via the DEFRA Portal nominating Ashbrook Equine Hospital-Cheshire as the Official Veterinarian (OV). Please double check you are selecting the correct Veterinary Practice as named above – there are similar named practices and selecting the wrong one will mean your paperwork will not be retrievable.


Although there is no official dress code, smart is preferable and is often adopted.


Aintree is a spectacle of colour throughout the year, with many using their trip to the racecourse as an opportunity to showcase their favourite
raceday outfits. Hats are optional too, but are frequently worn.


Sports clothes and fancy dress are not permitted for The Randox Grand National Festival.


We encourage smart dress in all enclosures so feel free to dress up and enjoy the occasion.

There is an allocation of seats in the grandstands (subject to availability), where there are lifts for Owners requiring these facilities. Please ensure you have arranged disabled seats with Carly Sage on 0151 522 2959 or in advance of the day.

After each race, a racecourse liaison person will be located in the pull-up area for any Owner, Trainer or Stable Staff wishing to enquire about the whereabouts of their horse.

Further to the British Horseracing Authority’s (BHA) decision to allow the sponsors to have the option of exclusive access to all the Owners’ and Jockeys’ branding sites and attendants’ clothing for races at the Grand National Festival, the sponsors, Aintree Racecourse, the Racehorse Owners’ Association and the Professional Jockeys’ Association have reached agreement for this option to apply in all races.


The sponsors have exercised the exclusivity option in all 21 (twenty-one) races scheduled to take place during The 2025 Randox Grand National Festival.


For all races during The 2025 Randox Grand National Festival the sponsors will display their logo on Owners’ silks, Jockeys’ branding sites, paddock cloths and attendants’ clothing. All logos will be supplied by the sponsors. In addition, for The Randox Grand National, the sponsor will provide a branded paddock sheet/rug.


The sponsors will pay the Owners of horses, who display the sponsors’ logo on Owners’ silks and paddock sheet/rug, taking part in The Randox Grand National £1,250, plus VAT, each. In the other 20 (twenty) races, a sponsorship payment of £210, plus VAT, will be made to each Owner who displays the sponsor’s logo. It is possible that in one race the sponsors will allow logos promoting a charity to be worn instead of their own. If this is the case, the sponsorship payments will still be made to the Owners.


Subject to the Rules of Racing, the sponsors will make a payment to the equivalent of one riding fee per ride to each Jockey who displays the sponsor’s logo.


Any Owners wishing to make further enquiries about these arrangements please contact Kelly O'Boyle on 07983712668, or alternatively the Information Line on 0151 522 2959 or

Horses, and those in charge of them, are admitted and received on the terms that neither Aintree Racecourse, The Jockey Club, nor their servants are liable for any damage, loss or injury to such horses or persons, while in or about the Racecourse premises or stabling, from whatever cause arising, including damage, loss or injury caused by the negligence of any servant or agent of Aintree Racecourse/ The Jockey Club.

Enquiries should be made to Jon Pullin and Daniel Cooper, the Clerks of the Course on 0151 523 2600. If the office is not open, recorded information will be available on this line.

Our racecourses continue to operate on a ‘cashless’ basis, including concessions.


Cash may be used when placing bets on the Tote and with all on-course bookmakers.


Please note that due to new laws prohibiting the use of credit to place a bet, all betting facilities on site will be unable to accept Apple Pay.

Cookie Policy

We use “cookies” to help enhance your experience and improve the functionality of our website. You can find out more in our cookie policy. We also serve cookies, some with chocolate chips, on our racecourses.
