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Privacy Policy

What does this policy cover?


The Jockey Club is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about how we process any personal data collected from you or provided by you, whether you are a visitor to our Website, user of our Mobile App(s) or Wi-Fi services, or a guest at one of our venues, events, or festivals. We aim to provide transparency regarding the basis on which your personal data is processed. This section of our privacy notice also outlines how we intend to use the data we collect from you for direct marketing purposes. We value your trust and want you to be informed about our practices.


This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with our Cookies Policy, any notices or terms located within our venues and our Website terms and conditions. We will take reasonable care to keep your information secure and to prevent any unauthorised access or use of it. We process all information in accordance with applicable UK Data Protection Legislation. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and the change will take effect once the revised Privacy Policy is available on our Website and/or Mobile App(s). Therefore, please refer to this Policy each time you submit your personal information.

By using, registering or placing an order on our Website, or at one of our venues, events or festivals, or using our Mobile App(s) or Wi-Fi, we may use and transfer your information under the terms of this Policy.


Who are we?


The Jockey Club (registered number RC000287), a company incorporated by Royal Charter, registered in England and Wales whose registered address is at The Jockey Club, 21-27 Lamb's Conduit Street, London WC1N 3NL.

The Jockey Club is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office under registration reference Z6281994.

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted on


Why do we need your information?


We need your information for a variety of reasons – for example, to provide you with tickets you’ve purchased, to answer any queries you may have or to send you information we think you’ll be interested in.

This policy outlines how and when we’ll use your data - and most importantly, how we’ll look after it and your rights.


Ways in which we may use your information

  • We will use your information to respond to any comments or complaints you may send us
  • We will use your information in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory and investigative purposes as necessary (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation)
  • We will use technical data to keep our website updated and relevant, to administer our website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing and statistical purposes
  • To keep you updated with the latest news, offers and exclusive content related to our events. To do that, we'll be using email, SMS text messaging, mobile app push notifications and targeted website notifications to stay connected with you
  • We will use your data to ensure that our communications to you are relevant
  • We place cookies and use similar technologies in accordance with our cookies policy and the information provided to you when those technologies are used
  • On other occasions where we ask you for consent, we will use the data for the purpose which we explain at that time consent was attained.


What information do we collect about you?


We may collect certain information from you when you interact with us by visiting our Website, calling us, our Wi-Fi or our Mobile App(s), such as the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Email address
  • Username and password
  • Phone number
  • Financial and credit card information
  • Demographic information such as postcode
  • Preferences and interests
  • Feedback regarding our Site, App, Wi-Fi, venues, events or festivals
  • Other information relevant to customer surveys or offers
  • We may also collect and process CCTV images
  • Records of any correspondence and communications with us
  • Telephone calls may also be recorded.


Are you aged 14 or under? 


The privacy of Children is important to us and this platform is intended for use by individuals aged 14 years and older. If you are under the age of 14 years, please do not provide us with any personal information. The Jockey Club do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 14 years. If you are aged 14 years or under, please get your parents / guardian's permission before providing us with your personal information. Personal information relates to your name, email address and any information that will help us identify you.

If you are a parent or guardian and believe that your child is under the age of 14 years and has provided us with their personal information without your consent, please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate steps to remove such information and terminate their account. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted via email at


Information automatically collected - official mobile apps


Information is automatically collected in the Official Mobile App (Aintree Racecourse, Carlisle Racecourse, Cheltenham Racecourse, Epsom Downs Racecourse, Exeter Racecourse, Haydock Park Racecourse, Huntingdon Racecourse, Kempton Park Racecourse, Market Rasen Racecourse, Newmarket Racecourse, Nottingham Racecourse, Sandown Park Racecourse, Warwick Racecourse, Wincanton Racecourse).

This data is required for the use of the app and includes:

  • Location, accuracy and date/time periodically throughout the day (only while at the racecourse)
  • Each visit to the racecourse including date/time first seen and last seen
  • Operating system
  • Operating system version
  • Device name
  • Battery level
  • Battery status (charging or not)
  • Bluetooth status (on or off)
  • Mobile network carrier name
  • Currently connected Wi-Fi SSID
  • Location permission status (on or off)
  • IP address
  • User's preferred locale
  • Current time zone
  • App version and build number
  • App interactions (captured as events fed to Firebase Analytics and Keen IO)
  • Date/time entered/exited geofence region (if you enter an offered geofence region).

This data is collected, so that (1) we can make the service and the associated functions available to you; (2) to improve the functions and features of the App (3) to prevent misuse and to rectify malfunctions and (4) to offer you a personalized guest experience.


We may also collect:

  • Technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, MAC addresses, traffic data, location data, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and cookies which will be collected in accordance with our Cookies Policy and information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from the Website or Mobile App(s) (including date and time); products you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call our customer service number
  • Cookies - The Jockey Club and our carefully selected service providers and business partners use cookies and other similar technologies to automatically collect information, measure and analyse how you use our platform, provide you with advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements and other content.

Information you provide


We may ask you to provide information to us or collect information from you on different occasions. In some instances, the provision of information will be mandatory to help us fulfil our contractual obligations to you, for example if you purchase tickets or other services from us. We may also collect information when you interact with us such as when you:

  • Create an account profile (name, age, telephone number, email address)
  • Purchase tickets
  • Email or telephone enquiries, contributions, or your views to us
  • Enter competitions
  • Submit a job application (please see our employee privacy notice), including completing the requisite diversity form
  • Use the Wi-Fi at any of our venues
  • Register to use our Site or App and/or receive or download information or documentation
  • Subscribe to our newsletters or mailing list or
  • Sign up for memberships
  • Contact us directly via our customer service centre.


Information we receive from other sources


To enhance the quality of service we provide to you, we may obtain information from external sources. Personal information may also be provided to us from online vendors, service providers who refer you to our Website, Mobile App(s), or services from customer lists lawfully acquired from third party vendors and from other third parties who work with us in connection with our Websites, Mobile App(s), or services.


Types of information we receive from other sources

  • Social media platform: if you choose to connect with us through social media accounts, we may receive information from these platforms such as your profile details and publicly shared content
  • Third Party Services: we may collaborate with third party partners who provide additional information to enhance our understanding of your needs and preferences
  • Publicly available information: we might gather publicly available information from reputable sources to verify the information you have provided
  • Third-party service providers may, without limitation, be appointed to provide technical support, process your transactions, and maintain your accounts or to run promotions
  • Our marketing campaigns: We may have access to any personal information provided to such vendors, service providers and third-party e-commerce services.

Commercial partner information


To provide a better experience and enhance our services, we may collect and use personal data from a corporate perspective (for example where we are contracting with the business, a sole trader, partnership or other third parties). All information collected is treated with the same level of care and protection as any other user data.


Digital marketing service providers


We periodically appoint digital marketing agents to conduct Business to Business marketing activity on our behalf, such activity may result in the compliant processing of personal information.


Will my personal information be used when advertising with other companies?


We may use the information that we hold about you to show you relevant and targeted sponsored advertising for events and competitions through social media companies and our digital advertising partners like Facebook, Google or Twitter. We also assess certain characteristics of our customers in order to find others who are similar to them to provide advertising to those individuals.

Where we do this, we will share your data in a secure format with these providers so that, where you match on the same platform, you will see sponsored adverts from The Jockey Club. In these scenarios, The Jockey Club are joint controllers with these companies because we jointly determine the purposes and means of processing your personal data.

Should you not wish for The Jockey Club to transfer your information to social media or digital advertising sites please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at

If you don’t want to see our targeted advertising, you can set ad preferences in your social media companies’ settings.


How The Jockey Club uses your information 


The Jockey Club will generally use your information:

  • To send you a welcome email to verify your account when you register with us or make a purchase and other emails for the purposes of providing any services, products, competitions, or promotions to you, including in relation to account management or system maintenance
  • To ask you to complete surveys in respect of your experience with us (for example, in relation to catering) which you can choose to complete or not
  • To allocate "points" which will remain inactive unless or until you are a registered member of Rewards4Racing
  • To process job applications and diversity data
  • To send information to you that you have requested
  • To notify you about changes to our services and/or products
  • To carry out our obligations arising from any contract that we may enter with you including to process and fulfil any order or request
  • For statistical and research purposes
  • To provide you with marketing information about other services or products we offer that are the same or similar to those that you have already purchased, or services or products you have consented to receiving. If you do not wish to receive this information, please use the unsubscribe function in the information we send you, update your preferences through the preference centre or alternatively write to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at For internal record keeping
  • To improve our products and services
  • To carry out appropriate and necessary investigations and identity checks and discharge our legal and regulatory obligations and duties, including to comply with anti-fraud and anti-money laundering requirements
  • To ensure that content from the Website, Mobile App(s) and/or Wi-Fi is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or device (as applicable)
  • If you have selected Secure Delivery for tickets, we may send you an email or SMS notification of the dispatch of your order via our postal partner. This SMS or email will allow you to track your item.


The Jockey Club will only use your financial or credit card information solely for the purpose of discharge our legal/regulatory duties and to process payments made by you for our products and services or due to you by agreement (e.g. refunds).


Who do we share your information with


We may disclose your personal information to any member of our Group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company, and its subsidiaries, as defined in section 1159 of the UK Companies Act 2006 (our “Group”).

We will only share your personal information with our affiliates and the third-party service providers if this is necessary or reasonably required for any of the purposes listed above. Such third-party service providers are not entitled to use your information for their own purposes.

We will only disclose your information when it is necessary to:

  • Business partners, suppliers, and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter with them or you
  • Members of the Group and third-party suppliers and service providers for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy
  • Law enforcement agencies, regulators or other appropriate third parties, especially where we consider your behaviour to be unlawful, offensive, inappropriate, or objectionable at one of our venues, events or festivals or on our Website, Mobile App(s) or Wi-Fi
  • Central and local government, agencies and other government authorities under specific circumstances
  • Third party suppliers and service providers to the extent they assist the Group with its legal/regulatory obligations e.g., providers of services in respect of anti-money laundering, fraud, verification etc. We share your information with Future Ticketing Limited, our ticketing platform for fraud prevention
  • Selected commercial partners so that they can contact you with details of the services that they provide, where you have expressly consented to the disclosure of your personal data for these purposes
  • Rewards4Racing where you hold an account with them, for your points to be collected/ validated
  • Analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our Website, Mobile App(s) and/or Wi-Fi and other selected third parties
  • Your employer, educational institution (for example school, college or university), email or internet provider, parents (if you are under the age of 18)
  • Your personal information will be made available to those members of our staff who need to see it to perform their functions, roles and responsibilities.

Lawful basis for processing your information


Data protection laws require that we meet certain conditions before we are allowed to use your data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy. We take our responsibilities under data protection laws extremely seriously, including meeting these conditions. To -use your personal data, we will rely on the following grounds, depending on the activities we are carrying out:

  • For the performance of your contract with us and the provision of our services to you
  • To comply with a legal obligation
  • For our legitimate interests (we explain what we mean by this below)
  • To protect an individual’s vital interests
  • With your consent
  • For reasons of substantial public interest.


Some examples of processing for the various lawful bases we use


To provide you support and responding to your enquiries.


To send you a welcome email to verify your account when you register with us or make a purchase and other emails for the purposes of providing any services, products, competitions, or promotions to you, including in relation to account management or system maintenance. 



To ask you to complete surveys in respect of your experience with us (for example, in relation to catering), which you can choose to complete or not.

Legitimate interest

To allocate "points" which will remain inactive unless or until you are a registered member of Rewards4Racing.


To process job applications and diversity data.

Legal obligation


To provide you with marketing information about other services or products we offer that are the same or like those that you have already purchased, or services or products you have consented to receiving.

Legitimate interest


To send information to you that you have requested.


To notify you about changes to our services and/or products.

Legitimate interest

To carry out our obligations arising from any contract that we may enter with you including to process and fulfil any order or request.


For statistical and research purposes.

Legitimate interest

To improve our products and services. 

Legitimate interest

To carry out appropriate and necessary investigations and identity checks and discharge our legal and regulatory obligations and duties, including to comply with anti-fraud and anti-money laundering requirements.


To ensure that content from the Website, Mobile App(s) and/or Wi-Fi is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer or device (as applicable)

Legitimate interest

If you have selected Secure Delivery for tickets. We may send you a notification of the dispatch of your order via our postal partner. This SMS or email will allow you to track your item.


To promote our events and venues through use of photography taken at events, which may feature images of customers.

Legitimate interest


Please note that we will not use any financial or credit card information for any purpose other than to discharge our legal/regulatory duties and to process payments paid by you for our products and services or due to you by agreement (e.g., refunds).


We may aggregate the information you send to us with other data (so that you cannot be identified from that data) and use that aggregated data for administrative purposes.




We want to keep you updated with the latest news, offers and exclusive content related to our events. To do that, we'll be using email, SMS text messaging, mobile app push notifications and targeted website notifications to stay connected with you and tell you about events, offers, promotions and discounts.

We will ensure that any direct marketing communications (emails, mobile SMS and mobile app push notifications) that you receive from The Jockey Club provides a simple way for you to decline or change your mind about further marketing.

If you change your mind about what marketing you would like to receive from us or third parties (including our commercial partners) at any time, you can unsubscribe via the link in any email marketing communication, reply ‘STOP’ to a text SMS message or update your preferences through your account preference centre or alternatively can write to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the address below, alternative you can email our data protection team

We occasionally share carefully chosen offers, discounts, and competitions from our raceday partners with our email newsletter subscribers and ensure that individuals have the option to exercise their data protection rights by specifically opting out from this type of content.

You can withdraw your consent to receiving marketing communications at any time. We will take steps to stop any direct marketing to which you object or withdraw your consent within one calendar month of receiving your objection or withdrawal of consent.

Please note that you will not be able to unsubscribe from administrative, ticket purchase confirmation and service-related communications.


Your rights under the Data Protection Act (2018)


You have several rights under data protection legislation in relation to the way we process your personal data, although these are not absolute and, in some instances, we may be unable to accept your request, in which case we will respond to you to explain why. These rights are set out below. You may contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at using the details below to exercise any of these rights, and we will respond to any request received from you within one calendar month from the date of the request


Your rights:


  • A right to be informed as to what personal data we are processing
  • A right to access the personal data we hold about you
  • A right to request erasure of your personal data
  • A right to rectification of any inaccuracies in your personal data
  • A right to restrict processing of your personal data
  • A right to data portability
  • A right to object to the processing of your personal data
  • A right to object to automated decision making, including profiling
  • A right to consent or withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data
  • A right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority if you believe your data protection rights have been violated.

It is important to note that we maintain the right to retain specific information. It is important that the Jockey Club hold accurate information about you in order to meet our obligations. If your information has changed, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can update your information accordingly, this ensures we do not inadvertently send unwanted communications.


How long do we keep your information for?


The Jockey club will retain your information for specific periods to fulfil the purposes outlined in this privacy policy. The duration for which we keep the data depends on the nature of the information and the reason for which it was collected. We strive to retain your data only for as long as is necessary to provide you with our service, meet legal obligations, resolve disputes, and maintain business records. Once the retention period expires, we ensure that your personal information is disposed of confidentially and securely. We adhere to our strict data retention practices.

Where we are allowed to do so, we will send you marketing communication for up to 5 years, unless you indicate that you are happy to continue to receive them. We will then delete your data after 12 months.


Unsuccessful job applications will typically be deleted after 12 months.


Where there is a legal or regulatory requirement, we keep some personal information for up to 7 years.

Cookies and Similar Technologies


Please note that we gather data around email opens and clicks using standard technologies including clear gifs to help us monitor, report and personalise the content presented in our direct marketing communications. This privacy policy should be read in conjunction with our Cookies Policy, any notices or terms located within our venues and our Website terms and conditions.


Transfer of information outside the United Kingdom


As part of our commitment to safeguarding your personal data, we may occasionally transfer your information to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Rest assured that we take appropriate measures to ensure that such transfers are conducted securely and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. These measures may include using contractual agreements or mechanisms approved by regulatory authorities to maintain the privacy and security of your data throughout its journey. Your privacy and security of your information remains our priority.



Rewards4Racing is our recommended rewards and loyalty programme which is free for all our customers to join and use. As a Rewards4Racing member, you will be entitled to earn Rewards4Racing points when you purchase tickets, race day packages and hospitality packages at any of The Jockey Club’s 15 racecourses.

New Members – if you choose to opt-in to Rewards4Racing when you purchase an advanced ticket (online or by phone) with us, you will provide your data directly to Rewards4Racing and enter into a separate agreement with them.

Existing Members – as an existing Rewards4Racing member, following an advanced ticket purchase (online or by phone) with us, the information relating to your transaction (including the number of tickets or packages purchased, the total price paid and any Rewards4Racing points redeemed as part of your transaction) will be processed by Rewards4Racing for the purposes of applying points to, or removing points from, your Rewards4Racing account.



How Rewards4Racing will use your information:


To provide member benefits - if you are a customer who is a member of the Rewards4Racing programme, we will share with Rewards4Racing information concerning your transactions with us.


The information we share will be used by Rewards4Racing to provide you with member benefits and to operate the Rewards4Racing programme. For more information on how Rewards4Racing will use your information please see its privacy notice which can be viewed here. Where we share your information in this way, we are not responsible for Rewards4Racing or how it uses your information as a member of the Rewards4Racing programme.


For further details about the Rewards4Racing programme view Rewards4Racing’s full terms and conditions here Rewards4Racing’s full terms and conditions.


Should you wish to opt-out of the Rewards4Racing programme, you may do so at any time by contacting Rewards4Racing by email at


As a service provider to us - from time to time, we ask Rewards4Racing to help us look at improvements to the way in which we engage with our customers. This includes making recommendations to help customers save money on their ticket purchases, providing the tools to help us incentivise customers to come to one of our race days or improving their experience at one of our racecourses.


In providing these services, we may disclose transactional information to Rewards4Racing about our customers (who may not be Rewards4Racing members) so that Rewards4Racing may analyse transactional information, customer purchases and behaviours (and trends) as well as segmenting our customer database. For the purposes of performing these tasks, we continue to control any information shared - Rewards4Racing acts under our instruction and as a data processor only and will not use your personal information for its own purposes.

Updating your information with The Jockey Club


If there is a change to your personal information, for example your contact details, please let us know of this by:

(a) updating your preferences through your account preference centre or

(b) writing to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the address provided below so that we can keep your information up to date and accurate.

Contact Us


If you have any comments or queries about this Privacy Policy or you wish to stop direct marketing by The Jockey Club or its holding, subsidiary or sister companies or you wish to exercise any of your rights set out above please email our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at:

If you do not receive an acknowledgement, we have not received your email, please contact us from an alternative email account or write to us at:

Data Protection Officer
The Jockey Club
21-27 Lamb's Conduit Street,

This Policy was last reviewed and updated: 24th May 2024.


If you are a nominated emergency contact or beneficiary for one of our employees, please see our employee privacy notice here, this explains what we do with your data, how we protect it and your associated rights.


Cookie Policy

We use “cookies” to help enhance your experience and improve the functionality of our website. You can find out more in our cookie policy. We also serve cookies, some with chocolate chips, on our racecourses.
