Epsom Downs Racecourse, Tattenham Corner Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5LQ.
Follow the yellow AA signs and the racecourse specific signage as you approach the racecourse to ensure that you arrive at the correct car park for your enclosure.
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The Betfred Derby Festival
Epsom Downs Racecourse, Tattenham Corner Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5LQ.
Follow the yellow AA signs and the racecourse specific signage as you approach the racecourse to ensure that you arrive at the correct car park for your enclosure.
Epsom Downs Racecourse, Tattenham Corner Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5LQ.
Follow the yellow AA signs and the racecourse specific signage as you approach the racecourse to ensure that you arrive at the correct car park for your enclosure.
Advance parking is available to book online.
Car Park 1 ///sang.unless.payer
Car Park 2 ///clocks.chase.shared
Car Park 3 ///petal.duck.post
Car Park 4 ///jokes.repair.pays
Car Park 4a ///facing.metro.truly
Car Park 5 ///direct.view.regard
Car Park 6 ///maps.successes.wash
Car Park 7 ///begin.chins.soup
Car Park 8 ///daring.cherry.weeks
Car Park 9 ///foil.spots.gift
Car Park 10 ///putty.gown.limit
Car Park 10 (blue badge¬) ///risks.sand.extra
Car Park 11 ///patrol.exchanges.when
Car Park 12 ///upon.paid.feed
Car Park 14 ///relate.steep.melt
Car Park 15 ///cheer.snow.turkey
Car Park 16 ///kick.cherry.tell
Car Park 17 ///gladiators.dull.issues
Car Park 18 ///scope.save.trap
Car Park 19 ///clean.custom.insist
Car Park 20 ///pushes.complains.paints
Car Park 21 ///manual.prefer.excuse
Car Park 24 ///vague.into.loyal
Please note, these words are generated by what3words and are not created by The Jockey Club. The words are shuffled by their algorithm and not assigned manually. They are specifically not intended to convey any meaning to a location. Find out more
Buses and coaches are an integral and hugely traditional part of The Derby Festival experience and are renowned as a great way to soak up the day!
Spaces in the Lonsdale Enclosure and Upper Tattenham are likely to sell out on Derby Day. Book your space in advance to avoid disappointment.
There are three local stations, Tattenham Corner, Epsom and Epsom Downs stations which serve Epsom Downs Racecourse.
The Tattenham Corner service has been strengthened on Derby Day, from 2 trains an hour to 6.
2 Victoria services, 2 London Bridge services (fast) and the two normal booked services.
For pick up and drop off please use Car Park 8, outside the Derby Arms Pub. Please do not use the roundabout to exit or enter your vehicles.
For pick up and drop off please use Car Park 8, outside the Derby Arms Pub.
There is a shuttle bus from Epsom Station and it will be operating from 9.30am - 7.30pm on both days of The Betfred Derby Festival.
Reduced service between the hours of 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
Tickets to be purchased on the Shuttle bus, priced at £3.00 for a single ticket & £5 for a return ticket.
Metro Bus operates a 460, 480 and 406F service which runs from Epsom Town Centre to Tattenham Corner Station. It is an easy way to reach the racecourse in just three stops.
TfL operates a 293 from Morden to Epsom High Street. Passengers could then take the shuttle bus from Epsom Train Station.
Travel to the races in style. The Jockey Club is proud to partner with Air Charter Service for personalised air charter experiences.
Popular Routes:
Details of road closures and diversions will be available closer to the event date.