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The Betfred Derby Festival

Owners & Trainers Information


Here’s all the information for The Betfred Derby Festival.



Owners & Trainers Liaison Manager
07884 655796


If you plan to arrive by taxi, the drop off point is located outside the Derby Arms close to car park 8 and will require a short walk round to the entrance marquee.

For those arriving by train, Epsom Station is connected by both South West and Southern trains, with connections from London Waterloo and Victoria. During the Derby Festival a shuttle bus service operates. Alternatively, Tattenham Corner Station is approximately a half mile walk to the racecourse or Epsom Downs Station is approximately one mile walk to the racecourse.

An area on the Hill is provided for helicopter landings. This site is operated by Nick Cox, Helicopter and Aviation Services Ltd. Please contact Nick on 01373 858535 or


Prior notice is required for landings. All the relevant documentation must be received including the insurance indemnity, prior to landing.

Horsebox parking is located close to the stable area.

Owners' Badges

The PASS system will be in operation, please pre-register attendance on the PASS system by 4pm the day before you wish to attend. For more information on how to register and reserve badges follow the PASS System guide.


If you have any queries please contact Amy Bone by email or telephone. Your assistance is very much appreciated.

Badges can be collected on the day from the Entrance Marquee located at the top of Car Park 3 adjacent to the Lester Piggott gates.

Coronation Cup, The Betfred Oaks and Betfred Derby Owners. Please contact Amy Bone for your arrangements.

Amy can be contacted on 07884 655796 or

All other race owners please contact Amy Bone also. 


Single Ownership can apply for 6 badges


Partnerships and Syndicates can apply for 8 badges


To cater for larger syndicates a restricted number of general admission tickets will be available to purchase at a discounted price. If you wish to purchase additional tickets please contact Amy Bone.


Please note that due to restriction on space, badges will only be issued to owners with declared runners.

Access to the Parade Ring will only be granted on presentation of the relevant badge.

NTF badges will allow racecourse access, however, this will not give access to the Parade Ring. Trainers with runners on the day will need to collect race specific Parade Ring badges to gain access.


RCA badges will not be valid.


Jockey Club badges will permit access to all enclosures.

Trainers' Badges

Trainers with a runner on the day are entitled to two Owner’s badges upon production of a current PASS card. Please note that the badges will only be issued to whom the PASS card is registered.

We acknowledge that it can be frustrating for Trainers to be stopped and asked to show their badges, particularly, when trying to access the Parade Ring. However, we ask for your patience and co-operation with our stewarding arrangements.

As with British Trainers, no badges will be sent in advance. However, on production of a current Trainers licence each Trainer with a runner will be issued with two badges for that day. Badges will be available from the Owner’s and Trainer’s badge collection point.

Further information

Once inside the racecourse, Owners and Trainers have exclusive access to the Owners and Trainers marquee on the Princes Stand Lawn and the dedicated viewing area on the Queen Elizabeth II Stand Steppings.

A complimentary food offer of seasonal lunch dishes, full afternoon tea as well as complimentary tea and coffee will be available in the Owners Marquee.

Our racecourses continue to operate on a ‘cashless’ basis, including concessions. However, cash may be used when placing bets with on-course bookmakers.

Please note that if you wish to access the Queen Elizabeth II Stand on Derby Day you must adhere to the dress code: gentleman must wear a morning suit and ladies a formal day dress with hat or substantial fascinator.

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