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Non Festival Racedays
There's no better way to enjoy the day at Cheltenham than from the Club Enclosure, our most premier enclosure. It's an experience to remember with access to all public areas and spectacular views from the main grandstand, lawn or Winning Post. In addition to paddock viewing access, you can enjoy the Hall of Fame, all the public areas of the Princess Royal Stand.
A Club ticket gets you entry to the widest selection of food and drink areas at Cheltenham, including all the Tattersalls Enclosure restaurants.
Accessible viewing area at the Parade Ring, Princess Royal Stand and Main Grandstand.
The November Lounge Package & Club Enclosure Ticket
Access to the November Lounge which includes:
Cheltenham Festival
There's no better way to enjoy the day at Cheltenham than from our most premier enclosure, Club. It's an experience to remember with access to all public areas and spectacular views from the main grandstand, lawn, or Winning Post.
Those with Club Enclosure tickets are permitted to use all public areas, as well as the public areas of The Princess Royal Stand, The Village and The Orchard and the central areas, both internally and externally of the Main Grandstand. A Club ticket gets you entry to the widest selection of food and drink areas at Cheltenham, including all the Tattersalls Enclosure restaurants.
With Paddock Viewing access, you can get up close and personal with the runners and riders in the Parade Ring, then head off to enjoy the racing from the Grandstand's viewing steps and the area past the Winning Post.
Accessible viewing area at the Parade Ring, Princess Royal Stand and Main Grandstand.
Club & Festival Lounge Package Ticket
Admission to the Festival Lounge which includes:
Club Admission & The Racing Room ticket option.
Head to the heart of the tented village where just past the shops on the left you will find The Racing Room, our brand-new lounge facility that promises to cater for the requirements of the genuine horse racing enthusiast. The Racing Room is destined to become one of the most desirable locations on-course for those who love nothing more than the excitement of The Festival …but occasionally crave, a little bit of "Racing Room".
Club Admission & The Lounge ticket option.
The Lounge has been created to offer a relaxed and informal lounge style experience and includes complimentary and tea and coffee throughout the day and a racecard.
All enclosure tickets for Gold Cup Day are now sold out! Sign up to join us for Gold Cup Day in 2026.
You can still join us this year with one of our hospitality experiences.