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Rewarding trainers in The Jockey Club South West

The Jockey Club South West Frequent Runner Scheme is aimed at rewarding trainers who run horses regularly at Jockey Club Racecourses in the South West Region - Cheltenham, Exeter, Warwick, and Wincanton.


There are two categories of a frequent runner. Trainers with 40 or more horses and Trainers with 40 or fewer horses in training.


The Championship for the 2023/2024 season will start at Warwick on 25 September and will conclude at Warwick on the 30 May 2024


All qualifying races are allocated a star rating (* to *****) with trainers awarded full points (star rating) for their first runner and half points for additional runners in the same race. These are based on the average numbers of runners a race has attracted over the previous two or three years as follows:


1 star - 18 plus runners

2 stars - 15-17

3 stars - 12-14

4 stars – 8-11

5 stars – less than 8

The star ratings for each qualifying race are marked with the race conditions.




Less than 40 horses


Trainer Stars
J Scott 267.5
Mrs J Williams 184
C J Down 163.5
Syd Hosie 150
R Walford 150
N J Hawke 111.5
J W Mullins 110.5
K Burke 109
K Woollacott 88.5
Mrs S Gardner 87


Updated on 31/5/24

More than 40 horses


Trainer Stars
D Skelton 510
P F Nicholls 480
Jonjo & A O'Neill 330
N A Twiston-Davies 323
P Hobbs & J White 300.5
N J Henderson 287.5
D Pipe 275
Joe Tizzard 266.5
F O'Brien 250
A J Honeyball 231

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