Event cancelled
Jason Donovan - Even More Good Reasons 2021 Tour
Wednesday 16 September 2020
This event has been cancelled, all customers will be emailed by the seller.
Click here to view our upcoming events at Cheltenham Racecourse.
We know some of you have been contacted by a venue or two already, so it’s with a heavy heart that for one final time, we have had to move around some of the Even More Good Reasons shows. The reason for the delay in not getting this news to you sooner, is because it takes time to put the refunds and discount codes into place for all the venues.
As it stands, not all of our team would have been double vaccinated by time we were due to start rehearsals. We hoped to have all of our musicians and crew double jabbed by early September so that we have the best chance of not having to cancel any shows during the tour because of Covid. Through no fault of our own, timings haven’t worked out for everyone, so we have no option but to move our start date to 2nd October. Because of scheduling/venue availability/diary commitments, we have unfortunately been unable to re-schedule some shows within the time frame we have.
Sadly, the shows we’ve been unable to reschedule are: Yeovil, Plymouth, Swansea, Hastings, Folkestone, Margate, Ipswich, Kings Lynn, Hull, Cheltenham and Llandudno.
Our promoter has arranged that you will all be automatically refunded for the tickets you had bought from the above venues. That refund will land in your account in the coming days. We really hope that you will want to re-book your tickets again for an alternative venue. If you have had your tickets refunded, you will be given a code to a 10% discount to buy tickets for a different venue which should cover the booking fees that we can’t stop ticket sellers adding to ticket sales. If you do not receive your discount code, please
email enquiries@tegmjr.com and they will be happy to supply.
There will inevitably be some disappointments and there are no words to express how sorry we are, but as you are aware, we are living through the strangest of times, guidelines frequently changing, and our options under the circumstances are limited. We hope as many of you as possible will still be able to get to a show. And what a show it will be once we eventually get to put that curtain up!