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I wanted to write this open letter with the most talked about and cherished four days in Jump racing now just around the corner.
Having joined Cheltenham at the beginning of the year, it has been a real privilege to witness the sheer passion that The Festival inspires, both within the team that work so hard to deliver the event, as well as racing fans and the industry more widely.
My time working in cricket has showed me that every sport can talk itself into thinking it is in decline from time to time and I know that the commentary around The Festival over the last two years, particularly, has been suggestive of this. But I really don’t think this is the case.
As someone who has been coming to Cheltenham as a fan for 25 years, I firmly believe we should be proud that The Festival has been one of the jewels in the crown of British sport for decades.
Some of the stars on show over the four days are examples of why this event continues to endure. Whether Constitution Hill can triumph in a spectacular Unibet Champion Hurdle and the hope that Galopin Des Champs can emulate the great Best Mate and win three Boodles Cheltenham Gold Cups will be the talk of breakfast tables, bars and betting shops up and down the country.
The Festival will see more than 200,000 people join us across four days which contribute hundreds of millions of pounds to the local area and provide significant employment both locally and further afield. Millions more will watch on from the UK and around the world, with plenty enjoying the chance to have a bet on the elite sporting competition that is right at the heart of this event.
It should also be remembered that The Festival’s ongoing commercial success continues to be of great financial benefit to British Racing and its participants.
I think that it’s important to mention up front that we are expecting fewer racegoers to be joining us in person this week than in recent years. The decline is not catastrophic but nor are we seeing growing attendances. I am sure that this will result in some commentary, both in the media and on social media platforms.
However, if there is one thing I want those reading this to take away, it is that we will define success this week and beyond by whether we are delivering unforgettable days out for our customers and improving the experience for everyone in attendance and watching on at home.
We want to ensure everyone has a Festival to remember for the right reasons, whether that be our local community or those travelling to be with us.
I’m sure that those attending this week will really feel the benefit of the investment and changes that the Cheltenham team have made with our customers in mind. These are significant and I know will make a very positive difference, and we have already seen improvement in the race programme from an entries perspective. But I want to reassure everyone that this is only the beginning.
We will be listening to all the feedback we receive from this year’s Festival and already have plenty of time set aside in the summer to begin the process of reviewing, resetting and rebuilding for the years ahead.
And while I am sure that this review will cover a broad range of issues relating to the experience on course and factors which are in our control, I am also keen to explore what can be done to address something which is not – the price of hotels and accommodation during Festival week.
We have heard both anecdotally and directly that the cost of accommodation is impacting on attendance. The fact that many hotel rooms are still available locally, having not sold, re-enforces this view.
It is a situation we are seeking to address directly with Room to Race, launched in partnership with a local sports travel company, Venatour Racing, to provide more affordable hotel, ticket and travel packages for this Festival and beyond.
We can build on that, but I’m also keen to enhance the strong relationships we already have with local businesses to resolve the current situation in a way which benefits everyone.
I may only have started in this role on January 1st, but another issue that reverberates loud and clear is that we need to provide better value for our customers in all aspects of their experience with us. Whether it is the price of a pint, queues at the bar or the range of food and drink on offer, I can assure you this will be front of mind as we look to the future.
For now, though, I want to leave you in no doubt that whether you are a racegoer, sponsor, trainer, jockey, owner or a member of stable staff, our number one priority will be to provide you with the best possible experience. I feel very confident that we can do that really well this year.
So the stage is set, the course looks magnificent, and we cannot wait to welcome those of you joining us at Cheltenham. If you are watching on from afar, we hope that this week will remind you why Cheltenham remains one of the best sporting experiences in the world. There is nothing like it.
Guy Lavender
Chief Executive
Cheltenham Racecourse