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The Boodles Cheltenham Gold Cup is one of the most hotly anticipated jump races in the horseracing calendar. It takes place on the fourth and final day of the Cheltenham Festival which runs from 10 - 13 March 2026. The Gold Cup race is the highlight of the four-day event, and one of the most famous jump races in the world, with high stakes and an impressive history of winners.
The Boodles Cheltenham Gold Cup 2026 is held on the final day of the Cheltenham Festival, Friday 13 March 2026.
The Cheltenham Gold Cup will be run at 4pm GMT on the 13 March 2026.
The Gold Cup 2026 race is held on the Cheltenham Racecourse’s New Course, located 2 miles from Cheltenham Town Centre. The race is run over 3 miles 2½ furlongs, over which the horses and jockeys must complete 22 jumps - a thrilling spectacle for any horse racing enthusiast.
Cheltenham Racecourse can be accessed via car, train, bus and helicopter. Find out more about travel and transport here.