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Get close to the action and experience it live at Carlisle Racecourse.
Enjoy thrilling racing all year round, over the jumps and on the flat.
Access to a number of general admission food vendors, bars and seating across the site.
Book your tickets in advance for the best price.
Additional packages in the General Admission Enclosure
Punters Package includes:
The Punters Package ticket option includes:
- General Admission Ticket
- Voucher for Racecard - Collect from Main Entrance or Tote
- Voucher for Racing Pie and Peas with a Hot Drink - To be redeemed at The Coffee House only
- Voucher for one alcoholic drink - To be redeemed at the Bell Hall Bar only (includes one pint of house lager/beer or 175ml house wine)
- Collect on the day delivery method